Mag. Hans Peter Heiss
- employed at Geoteam since 1996
- e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- phone: +43 (0) 316 / 269 269-26
- Completed degree studies in geology with a focus on genereal geology and remote sensing at the University of Graz.
- Thesis: "Geologische Fernerkundung von ausgewählten Gebieten der Sulaiman Range und des Hindukush in Pakistan" - “Geological remote sensing of selected areas of the Sulaiman Range of the Hindu Kush in Pakistan”; supervised by Professor Buchroithner.
- Processing and editing of geo-information data in GIS
- Feasibility studies
- Hydraulic evaluation
- Photogeological evaluation
- Planning of boreholes
- Drawing up of technical plans using CAD software
- Marketing
- Maintenance and support of the computer system at Geoteam
Mag. Martin Eisner
- employed at Geoteam since 1993
- e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- phone: +43 (0) 316 / 269 269 - 28
- Completed degree studies in geology at the University of Graz and the Graz University of Technology with a focus on general and historical geology
- Thesis: "Schwermineraluntersuchungen im Jungtertiär bei St. Anna am Aigen (Steirisches Becken, Baden-Sarmat)" – “Heavy mineral investigations in the neogene near St. Anna am Aigen (Styrian basin, Austria)”, supervised by Dr. K. Stattegger
- Project management
- Expert opinions and surveys
- Construction support
- Geological and hydrogeological client consultation
- Management of approval processes (water law, mining law)
- Geological and technical support of drillings
- Project planning and contract award procedures
- Deep geothermics
- Groundwater development and well construction
- Balneology and mineral water
- Exploration concepts
- Groundwater protection
- Hydrogeology and hydrogeological models
- Geohydraulics and numerical models
- Seismology and borehole geophysics
- Environmental geology (disposal sites and contaminated sites)
- GOLDBRUNNER, J., E., M. EISNER & V. VASVÁRI (2014): Die Bohrung Köflach Thermal 1, ein Aufschluss im Grazer Paläozoikum.- PANGEO Austria, Tagungsband 20/1, 65, Graz, 14.-19.09.2014.
- GOLDBRUNNER, J., E., M. EISNER, A. SHIRBAZ, J. FÜREDER & U. WALZ (2013): Geothermieprojekt Waldkraiburg: Planung, Ausführung und erste Betriebsergebnisse.- bbr Fachmagazin für Brunnen und Leitungsbau, Tiefe Geothermie, Heft 10-2013, 64-69, 2013.
- GOLDBRUNNER, J., C. KRIEGL & M. EISNER (2010): Die Geothermiebohrungen im Steirischen Becken.- bbr-Sonderheft 2010, p. 72-79.
Mag.a Andrea Shirbaz
- employed at Geoteam since 1994
- e-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- phone: +43 (0) 316 / 269 269 - 22
- Completed degree studies in geology at the University of Graz, with a focus on general geology and environmental geology
- Thesis: "Untersuchung von Schwermetallen in rezenten fluviatilen Sedimenten im städtischen Bereich am Beispiel der Grazer Bäche (Steiermark)” – (“Investigation of heavy metals in recent fluviatile sediments in urban areas based on the example of streams in Graz, Styr-ia”), supervised by Professor Alois Fenninger
- Contract award procedures (invitation to tender, award, drilling contract)
- Approval procedures (Austria and Germany)
- Monitoring (Annual and quinquennial reports on thermal water use)
- Billing of EU and FFG – projects (FFG - Austrian Research Promotion Agency)
- Organisational management of the representative office in Munich (until 2005)
- Quality management (top management representative, until 2001)
- Assistant to the management (until 2001)
- Accounting (until 2001)
- GOLDBRUNNER, J., SHIRBAZ, A., HEISS, H.P.: Wasserwirtschaftliche Bewertung der Thermalwassernutzungen in Oberösterreich, Berichtszeitraum 2000 – 2005, 32 S., Linz 2007.